Tech Talk - Engine Mounts 996/997
Posted on 26th October 2022 at 12:17
This is an easy fix and can make a massive difference in both how your car drives and aesthetically by correcting the position of the tail pipes.
If you are mainly driving your Porsche on the road we would always recommend genuine Porsche parts, from experience these give the best results and the best driving comfort. There are lots of aftermarket solutions which can be considered if you are more track focused. We are always happy to provide advice, please feel free to contact one of the PIE Team.
Some of the symptoms you should look for to make an assessment if your engine mounts need replacement:
1. Excessive vibration, very noticeable at idle.
2. Throttle response at low speeds can be lazy or delayed.
3. Exhaust tips appear to hang lower, see photos before and after.
4. Gear change can be more difficult.
The replacement of the engine mounts is an easy task and can be done while you wait and have a coffee. If you are unsure if your mounts need replacing please feel free to pop into the workshop and we’ll take a look.
The benefits of replacement engine mounts will be seen immediately and will transform the driving pleasure of your Porsche.
The images below show clearly the difference between a worn mount and a new mount.

Our Tech Talk feature is all about giving helpful advice and guidance to running and owning your Porsche. But this is also a mechanism for owners to ask questions on any topics of interest. So, if you have technical question/s please feel free to email PIE Performance or comment below and we will include it in one of our future Tech Talks.
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