Established more than a decade ago, PIE is a family owned and run independent Porsche specialist. The family’s admiration for the Porsche brand grew into the creation of PIE Performance. Initially PIE just sold used Porsche parts, but over the years John Lansbury and his sons Chris and Matthew developed it further to also offer car sales, servicing, maintenance and restoration services. PIE Performance is now one of the most highly regarded Independant Porsche Specialists in the UK.
With the expertise garnered and in house technological capabilities PIE Performance has built up since it’s inception, PPT was the next logical step forward.

Since the early days of the automobile, the inquisitive and competitive nature of humankind has led to the modification of the motor car from its standard form. While the quality of production cars has improved over the past 150 or so years, there’s almost always been room for improvement. The basic desire for more power, torque, better handling and stopping power is the same now as it was during the 1950’s hot rod revolution. Hopping up cars is nothing new. What has changed is the refinement and technology now involved to make those all important gains. While the Porsche marque has in no doubt been a pioneer in both quality and performance, if you, like all those hot rodders before you, want that little bit extra, you’ve come to the right place.

Chris Lansbury

Matthew Lansbury

John Lansbury
Call us to discuss your upgrades, email us, or use the form on our contacts page