Porsche engine building services 

Pie Performance are fast becoming the go to choice for Porsche engine building not only in Suffolk but country wide and beyond, having even built engines to be shipped overseas. 
We don’t just rebuild Porsche engines which have suffered issues, such as bearing failure or bore scoring but if budget allows we prefer to build better. Sometimes this means using non standard premium parts internally which are more recently available but it also means building to a larger size with more power than standard. 

Porsche engines rebuilt 

For whatever the reason your engine needs a rebuild, we will explain every part of the process from the beginning so you can understand exactly what goes into your engine build. Every aspect will be priced before we start with any work and once our technician has assessed your engine, we will revisit the costing and talk you through. We will advise a list of parts which need replacing alongside any machining required and a list of parts which are still functioning showing no signs of wear and meet manufacturer's tolerance. All of our engines come with a two year warranty, a running in process, scheduled maintenance programme and certification of PIE Performance build. 

Porsche engines built better 

Its a major task, and there’s no hiding the fact that an engine rebuild is probably the most expensive part of owning a Porsche second only to the purchase price. It doesn’t help that it’s mostly an unexpected outlay too. 
Where possible we try to look at the need for a rebuild as a opportunity to upgrade whether it means new harder wearing internals preserving your new engine for longer, or a step up to a larger bore, ignition system, exhaust etc. 

Preventative Porsche engine upgrades 

Often when we’re carrying out maintenance tasks on your Porsche there will be an opportunity to replace some engine parts at the same time saving some future costs. For example on a Porsche 996 when we have to remove your engine to replace a clutch it makes sense to upgrade your IMS (intermediate shaft bearing) at the same time saving you not just labour costs at the time but potentially saving you from a mechanical failure in the future. 

Points of failure 

Things to look out for can include, smoke on startup and/or acceleration, excessive oil use, rough idle and acceleration, excessive fuel use, unusual sounds, flat spots under acceleration. 
Testing - if you suspect there is an issue with your Porsche engine or if you have warning lights or dashboard messages the most sensible thing to do is stop driving and call us on 01787 249924. One of our technicians can advise you straight away the best course of action. 
When your Porsche gets to us, rest assured we have dealership level diagnostic equipment as well as the in-house ability to carry out compression tests, bore scoping, cylinder leak down and power tests with experienced technicians to give you the most accurate assessment possible. 

Flat Four Aircooled Porsche Engines  1952 - 1976 

The air-cooled flat four cylinder engine has a fantastic reputation for simplicity and reliability. It is rare but not uncommon for us to work on an air-cooled flat four which has never been apart which is quite incredible if you think about it considering how old they now are. 
Mainly requiring rebuilds through general wear and tear we can, like most other engines, build as factory stock specification to maintain originality. Most wear can be assessed using simple diagnostics such as compression testing to pinpoint the failing cylinder or other ancillary. 
Build Better 
We can also build better if you want more performance out of your air-cooled flat four. There are plenty of upgrade options available tried and tested along with larger bore pistons and barrels that can increase the size of a 1600cc Porsche 912 engine up to 1720cc. Relatively small gains in power in a car of such a small frame actually make a huge difference to the output when it comes to actual performance feel on the road or track. A well prepared, balanced Porsche 912 with a 1720cc engine and a few other bolt on upgrades can out-perform and out-handle a 911 of the same era. 
Of course this section also covers the Porsche 914 and the 356 which again we have plenty of experience with both engine rebuilds and improvements. We’ve even worked on Porsche 356 and speedster replicas with Volkswagen engines so please get in touch if we can help with any of those too. 

Flat Six  Aircooled Porsche Engines  1963 - 1998 

From the mid 1960’s 2 litres up to the more modern 3.8 litre the fundamental principles are the same. The flat six air-cooled Porsche engine has been a stalwart through those model defining years with regular factory modifications and improvements. Our technicians are fully trained right across the board from the more simple engines of the swinging 1960s onwards. 
Mainly requiring rebuilds through general wear and tear we can, like most other engines, build as factory stock specification to maintain originality. 
Most wear can be assessed using simple diagnostics such as compression testing to pinpoint the failing cylinder or other ancillary but as the engines get more modern so does the diagnostic capability when we can really hone down defects and issues accessing your car’s ECU. 
Build better 
From the most basic flat six engines in your classic F model 911 up to the end of the G model in 1989 there is always room for improvement. Your engine can be rebuilt with a performance enhancement in mind as well as a degree of future proofing replacing common weak components such as standard cylinders with modern lined cylinders which weren’t available when your Porsche left the production line. 
If it’s performance you’re looking for then a capacity increase alongside some of these more modern solutions can transform your cars performance, especially when compared to the stock engine, more so a tired stock engine. 
We have had fantastic success with the 3.6 of the 964 for example, increasing capacity to a 3.8 with high compression cylinder heads, lightened flywheel, more aggressive camshafts, alongside our PPT ignition system and exhausts. 

Flat Six Watercooled Porsche engines 1997 - Present Day 

The first Porsche with a water-cooled flat six engine was the 996 and the M96 and M97 engines used in the 996 and 986 Boxster up to the 997 and 987 Boxster and Cayman have been a hotbed of discussion on internet forums around the world. 
As with most internet discussions the failure rate of such things as the IMS (Intermediate Shaft) bearing has been wildly overestimated. That’s not to say there aren’t issues but they, along with the dreaded bore score are much less common that you would think having done some online research. 
IMS Bearing - degradation, fatigue through lack of lubrication or overheating, leading to failure. The worst case scenario is that this shaft mounted bearing fails completely causing cam timing issues leading to valve and piston contact, not good. 
The good news is that a redesign of the IMS unit itself is available and can be installed preventing issues in the future. The other good news is that there are signs to look out for. 
The first is where regular maintenance pays off as during an oil change if your bearing is breaking down there is usually some signs of metal swarf in the oil. 
The second would be an oil leak at the back of your engine - even if it’s not your IMS it’s worth popping your car in for us to have a look anyway. While it’s accepted to think there is always some signs of oil it’s always best to know where its coming from! 
The third sign and the most important one to take note of is a knocking sound at the back of your engine. If you hear anything that doesn’t sound right give us a call straight away. 
Bore score - another issue, which does happen, but not as commonly as you would believe with all the online hype. There are various thoughts on what causes it. We’ll leave you to judge for yourself as to what aspects of online theories you take on board and how you start up and drive your Porsche. 
We always recommend getting moving as soon as possible, don’t leave it stationary to warm up, get on the road and take it easy until your coolant/oil is at your regular running temperature. A bit vague as each car will be slightly different but the same advice applies to all cars, not just Porsches. Keep up with your service schedules, use good quality oils, high quality fuel. 
What is a fact is that it happens, there are signs, such as uneven soot buildup on your exhaust pipes, greater than normal oil consumption, a clicking sound when your engine is running, misfires, uneven idle, or black oil. 
If you do have scored cylinders it’s not going improve, you may be able to run your car normally with mild scoring for a while without any intervention but at some point you will have to take a proper look. 
If you suspect you may have bore score for whatever reason, book your car in with us for an inspection. We can use our scope equipment to check your cylinders and go from there. 
If you’re looking to purchase a car we can also carry out bore scoping as part of a pre purchase inspection. 
Build better 
As with all Porsche engines, we can, thanks to advancements in technology and information available rebuild your water cooled Porsche engine better than factory spec. This includes using uprated internal parts as well as a capacity increase. Please contact us to discuss the wealth of options now available.