996 GT3 Buying Guide in 911 & Porsche World
Posted on 9th June 2022 at 20:20
It’s always a pleasure to be asked to help with a magazine article. The experience we have gained over the years working on various models of Porsche puts us in a good position to be able to help with a buying guide. In this instance we just so happened to have a really lovely low mileage Gen 1 996 GT3 for sale which was the perfect candidate for this article.
You can click the images to see the full pages.
If you need advice when you're buying your next Porsche, give us a call and we can do a Pre Purchase Inpection for you.
Appearing in 911 & Porsche World’s April 2022 edition (available as a back issue) our GT3 looks absolutely stunning!
We have to thank Dan Furr editor of the mag and photographer Dan Sherwood for their ongoing support and giving us permission to post them up here on our blog too. You can find Dan Furr on instagram, and you can subscribe to the magazine via the website here.

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